Just a few quick words.
Alright well this isn't set out to be the ultimate guide to ci or for anyone in particular but I just figured I've done plenty of ci-ing by now and might as well write a little about it and maybe someone will pick up or take something from this, but truth be told I'm only writing this because I have nothing else to do at 6AM. -Exoutcast of midnight ocean-
90% of unexperienced Ci navers biggest mistake.
I personally have noticed far often than anything else the single most biggest mistake ever made in Ci is the jobbing. For proper runs you NEED tokeners. Stats are important as well. I personally rarely job anyone besides hearties or mutual hearties anymore BUT you might have to, go for people with master+ stats, have gold tokening trophy of some sort with that station, and it also helps if they have a frenetic trophy as well. You job one regular ci-er thats good almost always they will spam hearties who love to ci as well so pick and pay attention to how well they do so future jobbing is easier.
Wait I need a chart?
Yeah yeah we all know what it's like to be all excited to do something and only to find out your chart just dusted or you didn't even realize you had it until it was too late. For reasons unknown to me a lot of people confuse CI charts with HS charts "Exoutcast facepalms'' shown to the right is a few CI charts and what they look like, the color of the CI symbol is what arch it is located in nothing else and will always be the same circle with lines through it. These charts can be won in pillys, bought out of black boxes, won at Skelly or zombie frays (easiest). Ussualy what I do given I can't find a chart or am just impatient I just go to a fray enter and if I don't win the chart I send a /tell to the person and ask if they are willing to sell it, usually works for 8k if not 10k is about right.
Charting, ships, and stock?
Alright well given your not an idiot completely you have set the course to sea monsters and put the chart on your ship tables and set to the Ci area your probably wondering about stock and what kind of ship is appropriate. The most accepted ship and probably what you should be using if your reading this is a sloop. Anything bigger for those unexperienced to naving in this environment will generally result in sinking...so after you get over the sinking feeling that you can't take in your grand frig and win everyone a snake your going to ask how much stock should I be using? For thralling runs (will explain later) I personally use 30 rum which can last me 3 straight dips at once or 2 separate without restocking, I never go with anything less than 20 rum just to be safe in case things take a little longer than i want or theres a lot of league points between the island and chart. Lets say you'd like to use a bigger ship because your feeling a little bit bold, personally i wouldn't recommended anything bigger than a Cutter or Dhow but if your hell bent on doing so stock about 50 rum and 100 cannon balls or so because I almost guarantee you will have to do some shooting at some point due to extended exposure to the Ci environment.
Its good to have someone on the ship that has a backup nav order in-case an annoying blue screen of death happens or a random dc/d or anything that could go wrong it's totally avoidable with a backup nav order, if you have crew, unlock the ship fully.
Thralling? Tokens? what is this...
What is thralling? Thralling is taking boarders picked up from rafts that manage to get within one square of you and sink into the ocean thus giving your ship either a zombie or an enlightened one. You want zombies! but don't forget to check that you don't get over run by them all and thrown into a fray while on the ship!
Alright well any good Ci runs are going to be thrall runs and the thralling token "cookies or flowers'' as the most accepted terms are needed from all stations excluding guns of course. There are two phases to the thralling token first is the silver token where only one ''flower'' is needed from sails, carp, and bilge. This token only gets rid of boarders. The gold thralling token is the second phase and two thralling tokens from each station is required and once used will take one or two zombies picked up from boarding rafts and turn them over to your side known as ''thralls'' or to some...''squishies.'' Anyway five thralls is good for a quick run just getting to the first round of vargas, seven is best if going for double vargas. You must protect your thralls during the rumble frays otherwise you may very well lose them all the first round....
Getting overrun!
So your naving and you happen to slip up or get horded by a ton of rafts and you get overrun and throw into a fray! oh noes! It is alright it's not the end of the world just annoying and may lead to sinking....if there are not any ships around you will be fine but if cutters or sloops are close keep an eye out and use the moment tokens you still have upon being overtaken otherwise they will just go to waste, its ok to have one or two people dismiss and get on stations so your not completely stuck but be careful as you don't want to get overtaken which is just as bad as sinking.
I got to the island...now what?
Once you enter the island you start your waves of frays and foraging. Frays start always when first entering with rumble, after winning everyone forages for a brief period of time then move on to sword fight, forage, rumble repeat till defeat. Once you lose the fray your booted back to the ship with a loss of some winnings from your previous foraging and then must exit the board completely via safe zone before able to re-enter. Generally you will only get through 5-6 frays given you protect your thralls and team correctly in sword fight (NO FOURS) and rumble as well...There are these things called enlightend ones in rumble which should be teamed first, and Homunculus in sword fight which is navers choice on order, I prefer last due to them only having one drop pattern and thralls seem to survive longer that way. Upon reaching Vargas it is genrally believed best to insta him as soon as possible.
Alright so say you won a fray and you're foraging but just can not seem to get that frenetic, given your computers not total crap and lags through most of the round like mine..anyway right after winning the fray hit dismiss as quick as possible! then click on the foraging area. This can give you a few precious extra seconds to get that fren you have always wanted.
Fog and foraging
Alright, hmm I say alright a lot...anyway that fogish looking type stuff, its best to stay out of it if possible its not the end of the world if you are in it but may complicate things a bit, it adds a little damage and bilge to the ship also giving puzzle disadvantage the longer you are in it the stronger the disadvantage.
When foraging you want to clear as many items as quickly as possible, combos do not give any bonus its just about the amount of things you clear. If you get stuck exit by hitting dismiss and going the the foraging grounds and re-entering the puzzle, its quicker than waiting for a special piece to clear one thing.
Foraging scores are as follows,
-Frenetic- 15 points and up
-Swift- 12 to 14 points
-Brisk- 9 to 11 points
-Steady- 6 to 8 points
-Lethargic- 3 to 5 points
-Asleep- 0 to 2 points
Bone box is 1, Fetish jar is 2, and Cursed chest is 3.
When to leave
So you've finally decided to leave and your thinking ''now what?'' best thing to do right away is go the the edge of either side of the board and use the ''invisible wall'' to get over rocks on the edge of the map and out of the way of ships and using the least amount of turns.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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